HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is usually very accurate in terms of the amount of tax it charges people. However, mistakes can be made and sometimes people pay too much, meaning they are left out of pocket. With this in mind, you might benefit from...
You may be among the many individuals eager to check whether or not you are owed a tax rebate. After all, you worked hard for your money and handing too much of it over to the tax man may be something you are keen to avoid. However, it can be tric...
You no doubt work hard to earn your money and the last thing you want to happen is to be overcharged in terms of the amount of tax you pay. After all, any money that is taken from you beyond the amount you owe belongs to you and you could find goo...
Every year, thousands of people are entitled to claim tax back. You could be eligible to claim a significant amount of money and not even realise it. The major reason for this is because many people do not know how to find out if they are entitled to...
The recession may officially be over, but few of us are really out of the water. Month by month we all feel the pinch of higher utility bills, increased living costs and tighter budgets. The simple fact is that few people have a coherent enough under...
There are many reasons why you may have overpaid tax to HMRC (Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs), making you eligible to claim tax back. For example, you may have been given the wrong tax code, your employer may have deducted your tax incorrectly...
You may well think you are due a tax refund but not have sought to address the issue yet because you believe the process will be too complicated. After all, dealing with matters like this does not fall under most people's experience and on the fac...